2013年3月25日 星期一

David Einhorn--獨樹一格的價值型投資人+德州撲克高手

繼之前介紹過Bill Ackman之後,今天就來介紹另一位價值型投資人,David Einhorn,正好在本期的今周刊裡面友介紹到這位David Einhorn,並稱他為華爾街的空頭總司令,我想這一點絕對需要澄清。

在他的投資生涯中,一直都是"淨多頭"的投資部位,儘管他跟其他避險基金經理人一樣,都有放空部位,但他不是純放空的投資人,只不過令他聲名大噪的,都是他放空的calls,而不是作多的calls,其實他分享很多做多的標的,稱他空頭總司令只是媒體渲染,各位不要誤會他是像麥嘉華或是盧比尼那種一看空的人。避險基金有這種只放空的經理人,但David Einhorn 絕對不是。


David Einhorn實際上是個價值型投資人,但卻是有點自成一格的,這可以從他的投資哲學看到:

Our research process reverses the analytical framework that most traditional value investors use. Many value investors determine whether a security is cheap. If it is, they seek to determine whether it is cheap for a good reason. A typical process to identify opportunities is through computer screens that identify statistical cheapness, such as low multiples of earnings, sales or book value combined with rising earnings estimates. Then, they evaluate the identified companies as possible investments.

We start by asking why a security is likely to be misvalued in the market. Once we have a theory, we analyze the security to determine if it is, in fact, cheap or overvalued. In order to invest, we need to understand why the opportunity exists. (*Why is the security studied misvalued? What contributed to this misevaluation? What has happened?)

老實說,我也不太懂他這個研究過程是怎樣進行的,但是要注意的是,David Einhorn是以misvalued 來看待一家公司,而不是只有undervalued,所以他會作多跟作空。

在有名之前,David Einhorn的經歷並不算顯赫,雖然是康乃爾大學畢業,但他不是一開始就要從是投資相關的工作,而他的工作經驗也不是在那種大型的華爾街公司上班,畢業後第一份工作是在Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette 做分析師的工作,做了兩年他覺得好累,每天過著7-11的工作時數,做的很不快樂,之後離職就到了一家小的避險基金公司Siegler and Collery上班(由此可見,想要成功,不需要在大公司上班)。

在這家Siegler and Collery上班,是Daivd Einhorn投資生涯中的啟發點,他在這家公司學到了價值投資的方法,他提過說最重要的是學到下列三樣東西:

- To understand the nature of the business,
- The economics of the business compared to reported earnings,
- Are the managements’ decisions aligned with shareholder interests?

未來在他創立Greenlight Capital之後,他都是以這三種原則作為他研究公司的主軸,我認為投資人在研究公司的時候,可以把這三個原則記起來,當作是你的投資流程之一。

當然,這三個原則看起來簡單,但做起來要花非常大量的時間跟精神去閱讀文件,投資人不要以為這邊閱讀文件是看券商報告,以David Einhorn所描述的以及他所做過的公司報告來看,他所閱讀的文件跟巴菲特差不多,都是公司的SEC filing,與財務報表,僅此而已,但重點就在於你有沒有讀的很詳細,David Einhorn的優點就在於,他很用功,當他對一家公司有興趣時,他會把該公司幾乎所有的filings讀過一次,去找他所需要的答案,為什麼他要這麼的用功呢?他自己有說過:

The market is an impersonal place. When we buy something, we generally do not know who is selling. It would be foolish to assume that our counterparty is uninformed or unsophisticated. In most circumstances, today’s seller has followed the situation longer and more closely than we have, has previously been a buyer, and has now changed his mind to become a seller. Even worse, the counterparty could be a company insider or an informed industry player working at a key supplier, customer or competitors. Some investors believe they have an advantage trafficking in stocks that have minimal analyst coverage. We need to have a better grasp on the situation than the counterparty does.

也就是說,他是要全然的了解一家公司之後,他才會出手,不是一知半解那種,投資人可以看他對於Green Mountain Coffee Roaster (GMCR)所做的presentation,就知道他的用功程度。

GMCR的報告可說是經典,跟Bill Ackman對賀寶芙做的報告是一樣的,我相信投資人都可以從這份報告學到很多研究公司的細節,而關於今周刊以"摜壓"的字眼來形容David Einhorn對GMCR所做的報告,這邊還是要幫他申冤一下,摜壓是以賣出大量持股賺取短期利潤,有點操弄股價的意思,但David Einhorn是放空,沒必要把價格越壓越低,第二,GMCR的放空部位,他持有了一年多也都沒回補,況且他是長期投資人,不在乎短期的利潤,他自己有說:

Greenlight believes the traditional investment horizon is too short because equities are long, if not indefinite-duration, assets. When we make an investment, we usually don’t have any idea how long we will be invested. If the downside of an opportunity is no short-term return or “dead money,” we can live with that. We are happy to hold for more than a year before succeeding. The trick is to avoid losers. Losers are terrible because it takes a success to offset them just to get back to even. We strive to preserve capital on each investment.



而他也會看錯,之前DELL看錯,讓他認賠出場,去年看空AMZN跟CMG,結果股價都往上走,對蘋果的看法目前看起來也還沒成真,所以他還是人,不是神,任何人都會犯錯,但他也是強調margin of safety,來彌補他犯的錯誤:

Our goal is to make money, or at least to preserve capital on every investment. This means securities should be sufficiently mispriced, so that if we are right, we will do well, but if we are mostly wrong, we will roughly break even. Obviously, if we are massively wrong, we will lose money.

以上就是David Einhorn的介紹,有興趣進一步研究他的投資人,可以透過網路去找關於他的訊息,另外,也可以看他自己寫的一本書,Fooling Some of the People All of the Time,這本書是寫他在20世紀末期作空Allied Capital的過程,重要的是他前面幾章,介紹他的生平與投資觀念,非常重要,後面的內容非常的技術性跟艱深,但可以知道他所花的功夫,有興趣的人可以到台北市總圖去借,沒想到圖書館有這一本。

最後,不管是巴菲特,還是Bill Ackman以及 David Einhorn,我們都可以學到,成功的投資人會做以下的事情:

1. 集中投資
2. 深度研究
3. 價值導向

順帶一提,David Einhorn是德州撲克高手,巴菲特是橋牌高手,想成為成功的投資人,可以去學一下撲克技巧囉。

