2017年4月10日 星期一

Allan Mecham的投資方法跟風格 - Buy Cockroach-Like Businesses

Allan Mecham一直是我很喜歡的投資人,2012年美國的Money曾有報導,台灣的智富雜誌後來也報導過他,之後我就有持續follow,這邊有一個他自己的presentation,介紹他的投資風格,還有他的績效,從1999/12-2014/12,扣掉費用之後的年化報酬率是18%,S&P 500只有4.2%,在2008-2014年,年化報酬率是31%,S&P 500是9.9%,這是很恐怖的成績,昨天讀了很多其他關於Allan Mecham的文章,整理一下他的投資風格跟流程,可以學習。最重要的心得是:選擇自己最擅長的方法,然後集中心力,資源跟資本在這個方法。Play your own game, stick with your circle of competence.

- Understand the business like an owner:這是他最核心的投資風格,這種思考心態使得他會:
   - To think hard about the important variables:他認為as the number of variables requiring analysis increase, the odds of success decline, yet the confidence of participants soar due to extensive time and energy invested. 變數越多,準確度越低,而有些重要變數是難以量化的,像是品牌,管理層,地點等等。
   - To think long term:他所思考的是the business's staying power,the barriers to entry,competitive landscape/threats,the ongoing capital needs,overall economics and the management
- Focus on track record, and generally stay away from unproven companies with short histories
- Stress test every investment idea under various economic scenarios:重點在於找出不怕景氣衰退的公司,他的觀念在於,他沒辦法預測景氣走勢,也不用花時間去預測,所以就要找在景氣大幅衰退時也會存活的公司,他表示說:We prefer cockroach-like businesses - very hardy and almost impossible to kill.
- Read a lot. Think and wait. don't act.

- low-cost operators with economies of scale
- selling a product or service that’s mission critical, yet is a small fraction of total costs
- auction related businesses
- distributor

- Is management promotional and aggressive?
- Are they overly focused on shortterm guidance?
- Is management candid and realistic?
- How does management think about the business?
- Are they rational long-term thinkers?
- Do they use sound metrics to measure results?
- Is the accounting aggressive or conservative?
- What’s management’s attitude toward debt?
- Are incentives and compensation sensible?
- Avoid companies with shareholder communication is laced with jargon, clutter, and clichés

- Buying the business outright and retaining management, not just renting the business
- Quality always comes first, but value is also demanded.
- Don't spend too much time on spreadsheet, fancy model and optimistic forecast. 
- Stick to what we know. Admit "I don't know" - 這點很重要也是最難的,他最喜歡費曼的一句話:Don't fool yourself, and remember you are the easiest person to fool。承認無知是智慧的開端。
- Being diligent, humble and thinking independently are key ingredients to solid risk management.
- Simplicity, patience, discipline and intellectual honesty

- 過度樂觀,高估自己的能力,反而低估投資風險:Many times I think it can be a situation where you just don't understand the business well enough and the bullish thesis is the nudge that sedates the ligering risks you don't fully grasp.

- 了解buisness很重要,但了解自己也是同等重要:You have to understand the nature and facts governing the business/idea and, equally important, you need to understand the subconscious biases driving your decision making — you need to understand the business, but you also need to understand yourself! 

