2017年4月16日 星期日

L Brand (LB US) - An Undervalued Great Company or A Value Trap

我都會定期觀察創52周低點的公司,最近看到的是L Brand,評價非常吸引人,但吸引人的背後也隱藏很多危機,雖然便宜,但還是要注意風險,因為便宜還會更便宜,研究過後,我的結論如下:

- LB成長率下滑是因為 (1) 去shopping mall購物的人變少,(2) 內衣潮流從性感內衣轉向舒適跟便利的運動內衣與bralette
- 目前LB的評價很便宜,yield很高,但面臨的是結構性轉變,公司以往有快速成長,但波動大,所以不投資

Pros & Cons
- Low valuation, high yield
- Strong margin and cash flow
- Market leader
- Inventory管理能力強

- 內衣潮流的改變,從外觀性感轉換成舒適便利
- LB處於fashion business,流行轉變會影響很大
- Short cycle business
- High CAPEX (CAPEX佔營收7-8%)

L Brands為知名內衣品牌Victoria's Secret(VS)的母公司,除了VS之外,還有PINK以及Bath & Body Works,專門做女性的生意。過去一年因為同店銷售下滑,所以股價下跌40%,也使得LB的評價非常吸引人,以下是一些評價數字:

Dividend yield:5.01%

除了評價低之外,LB的財務數字也是高等級的,ROIC 29.1%,asset turnover 1.6倍,operating margin 15.9%,EPS在2014-2016是接近每年20%的成長,低評價搭配高獲利能力,這的確是個完美的投資。


LB在2016年營收成長3.5%,operating margin則是從18%下滑到15.9%,operating income下滑8.6%,零售業最重要的數據同店銷售則是成長2%,但2015年的數據是5%,且在2016下半年大部分的月份都是負成長,因為成長下滑,造成股價重挫。歸納以下幾個原因:

1. 美國人去shopping mall的人變少
2. 內衣流行的改變,從強調性感變成舒適跟便利
3. VS停售泳衣跟服飾的產品

從以上幾點來看,LB所面臨的並非是循環性因素,而是結構性的改變,競爭力轉差。首先是第一點,由於購物習慣開始從實體店面走向線上,美國各大百貨公司開始陸續關店,而LB的店大多在shopping mall當中,它的競爭力就是以自己的Victoria's Secret Show,加上模特兒代言人,結合色彩鮮明,舒適的購物環境,創造美好的購買體驗,也提升了VS的品牌能力。但這一切在面對去shopping mall的人數變少時,完全沒用,雖然LB去年同店銷售還有成長,但很簡單的邏輯,去shopping mall的人變少了,購買VS的人也會變少。

第二點潮流的改變,對LB產生更大的傷害,LB在美國的市占率為35-40%,算是非常dominant的地位,也讓LB享有非常高的margin跟ROIC,但LB所處的行業是fashion產業,Coach的教訓告訴我,fashion產業所面臨的消費者品味跟購買行為變動很大,且難以預測,現在女性內衣所流行的是運動內衣跟bralette (無鋼圈、無墊的基本款舒適胸衣,它結合了運動內衣和時尚內衣),這兩種內衣LB都有做,但並非是強項,且跟其品牌形象也不搭,LB面對的是新進競爭者的競爭。另外,消費者開始偏好自然,美國隆乳人數從2012年330K人下滑到2015年279K人,觀看維多莉亞秘密時裝秀人數在2011年有10M人,之後下滑30%,而VS在過去一直有廣告過度修圖的問題,引起許多消費者的反彈。最後,LB的pricing power開始消失,bralette的售價比一班內衣低60%,屬於低margin的產品,而LB開始用大量的促銷販售運動內衣跟bralette,很明顯看出LB不在有pricing power。

去shopping mall購物的人數變少,使得LB塑造的銷售體驗無法發揮作用,潮流的改變讓新競爭者出現,替代品增加,LB失去pricing power,這些都是moat變窄的跡象,評價在低,也不能去碰。

Disclosure: Not long L Brand

2017年4月13日 星期四

Good Reading 2017/4/8-4/14

Current bull market may be a mix of equity and debt bubble.

Video game industry`s workplace model

Delivery companies are coordinating with small retailers to compete with Amazon.

Investing lessons from Valeant


2017年4月10日 星期一

Allan Mecham的投資方法跟風格 - Buy Cockroach-Like Businesses

Allan Mecham一直是我很喜歡的投資人,2012年美國的Money曾有報導,台灣的智富雜誌後來也報導過他,之後我就有持續follow,這邊有一個他自己的presentation,介紹他的投資風格,還有他的績效,從1999/12-2014/12,扣掉費用之後的年化報酬率是18%,S&P 500只有4.2%,在2008-2014年,年化報酬率是31%,S&P 500是9.9%,這是很恐怖的成績,昨天讀了很多其他關於Allan Mecham的文章,整理一下他的投資風格跟流程,可以學習。最重要的心得是:選擇自己最擅長的方法,然後集中心力,資源跟資本在這個方法。Play your own game, stick with your circle of competence.

- Understand the business like an owner:這是他最核心的投資風格,這種思考心態使得他會:
   - To think hard about the important variables:他認為as the number of variables requiring analysis increase, the odds of success decline, yet the confidence of participants soar due to extensive time and energy invested. 變數越多,準確度越低,而有些重要變數是難以量化的,像是品牌,管理層,地點等等。
   - To think long term:他所思考的是the business's staying power,the barriers to entry,competitive landscape/threats,the ongoing capital needs,overall economics and the management
- Focus on track record, and generally stay away from unproven companies with short histories
- Stress test every investment idea under various economic scenarios:重點在於找出不怕景氣衰退的公司,他的觀念在於,他沒辦法預測景氣走勢,也不用花時間去預測,所以就要找在景氣大幅衰退時也會存活的公司,他表示說:We prefer cockroach-like businesses - very hardy and almost impossible to kill.
- Read a lot. Think and wait. don't act.

- low-cost operators with economies of scale
- selling a product or service that’s mission critical, yet is a small fraction of total costs
- auction related businesses
- distributor

- Is management promotional and aggressive?
- Are they overly focused on shortterm guidance?
- Is management candid and realistic?
- How does management think about the business?
- Are they rational long-term thinkers?
- Do they use sound metrics to measure results?
- Is the accounting aggressive or conservative?
- What’s management’s attitude toward debt?
- Are incentives and compensation sensible?
- Avoid companies with shareholder communication is laced with jargon, clutter, and clichés

- Buying the business outright and retaining management, not just renting the business
- Quality always comes first, but value is also demanded.
- Don't spend too much time on spreadsheet, fancy model and optimistic forecast. 
- Stick to what we know. Admit "I don't know" - 這點很重要也是最難的,他最喜歡費曼的一句話:Don't fool yourself, and remember you are the easiest person to fool。承認無知是智慧的開端。
- Being diligent, humble and thinking independently are key ingredients to solid risk management.
- Simplicity, patience, discipline and intellectual honesty

- 過度樂觀,高估自己的能力,反而低估投資風險:Many times I think it can be a situation where you just don't understand the business well enough and the bullish thesis is the nudge that sedates the ligering risks you don't fully grasp.

- 了解buisness很重要,但了解自己也是同等重要:You have to understand the nature and facts governing the business/idea and, equally important, you need to understand the subconscious biases driving your decision making — you need to understand the business, but you also need to understand yourself! 

2017年4月6日 星期四

Good Reading 2017/4/1-4/7

Uber`s Driverless Car Mess

Elon Musk Reading List and his attempt to stop AI

Blackrock is firing active fund managers.

GMO and Bridgewater on the rise of popularism

Arlington Value Capital’s 2016 Letter to Investors

The fall of Sears and ESL